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Olympic gold medalist Nathan Adrian had to undergo testicular cancer

Nathan Adrian has shared on his personal page the image of him in the hospital with a notice of treatment for testicular cancer.

Nathan Adrian is one of the rich athletes of the US swimming team. He owned 5 gold medals in 3 Olympics from 2008 to 2016.

Recently, Nathan Adrian shared on his personal page the image of him in the hospital with a notice of treatment for testicular cancer.

In Rio 2016, Nathan Adrian once won a gold medal in relaying swimming with teammates including legendary Michael Phelps. 4 years earlier, this guy won 2 gold medals in London 2012, including a single gold medal in the 100m freestyle content. At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Nathan Adrian had his first gold medal in the 4x100m freestyle.

“Recently, I went to see a doctor because I felt my health was not good. After being tested and examined by experts, I was told I had testicular cancer. On a positive note, we discovered this early. I am starting my treatment and everything seems to be going well. I will return to the green track in a few weeks with the goal of heading to Tokyo 2020”, Nathan Andrian said.

Testicular cancer is a rare disease, accounting for about 1% of cancers in men. However, this is cancer with the highest incidence in men aged 25-35. The main cause of testicular cancer is hidden testicles. 80-85% of people with hidden testes develop testicular cancer and 15% -20% occur in opposite testes. Other factors that cause disease are a history of mumps, testicular hydroceles, inguinal hernia…

Nathan Adrian currently holds the US 50m freestyle swimming record with a record of 21 seconds 37 in the 2015 World Championship in Kazan (Russia).

6 possible warning signs for testicular cancer:

1. A pea-like small nodule

2. Feeling heavy on one scrotum side

3. A sharp pain in the testicles or scrotum

4. Change the shape or texture

5. Back pain, lower abdomen, neck.

6. Cough, shortness of breath for unknown reasons